Technical User
- May 6, 2013
- 2
Hi everybody,
I want to publish some improvements that I've made from thread Link, for me it was VERY HELPFUL, and in gratitude to the author "nullig" I'm going to publish it here. Some improvements are:
[li]Verify that the IP has only numbers and no letters[/li]
[li]Verify that the IP has the correct format (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)[/li]
[li]Verify that each octet is between 1 and 255[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that makes ping (ping takes less time)[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that takes hostname[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that pass from one network segment to another[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that verifies if Initial IP is greater than End IP[/li]
Here is the code:
'º MultiPing.vbs v2.0 º
'º º
'º Script to ping a range of IP Addresses and º
'º write results to an Excel Workbook º
'º º
'º Noel McGran (23/07/04) º
'User Input of IP range
Message = "Please enter start IP:"
Title = "Start Range"
StartIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
xx = StartIP
Good = ValidIP(xx)
Do While Good = "invalid"
Message = StartIP & " is not a valid IP." & _
vbCrLf & "Please re-enter start IP:"
Title = "Start Range"
StartIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
xx = StartIP
Good = ValidIP(xx)
Message = "Please enter end IP:"
Title = "End Range"
EndIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
yy = EndIP
Good = ValidIP(yy)
Do While Good = "invalid"
Message = EndIP & " is not a valid IP." & _
vbCrLf & "Please re-enter end IP:"
Title = "End Range"
EndIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
yy = EndIP
Good = ValidIP(yy)
xx = StartIP
yy = EndIP
Good = GreaterIP(xx, yy)
Do While Good = "before"
Message = EndIP & " is " & Good & " or equal to " & StartIP _
& vbCrLf & "Please re-enter End IP:"
Title = "End Range"
EndIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
xx = StartIP
yy = EndIP
Good = GreaterIP(xx, yy)
msgText = "IP range is " & StartIP & " to " & EndIP & vbCrLf & "Continue?"
Select Case MsgBox(msgText, vbOKCancel)
Case 1
tempfilename = "C:\Temp\MultiPing\IPtemp.txt"
' Spreadsheet file to be created.
strExcelPath = "C:\Temp\MultiPing\MultiPing.xlsx"
' Bind to Excel object.
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = 1
' Create a new workbook.
' Bind to worksheet.
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objSheet.Name = "Active IPs"
' Populate spreadsheet cells with user attributes.
objSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "IP Address"
objSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Computer Name"
objSheet.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Estado"
' Format the spreadsheet.
objSheet.Range("A1:C1").Font.Bold = True
objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
objExcel.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 15
objExcel.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20
LF = Chr(10)
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
currentIP = StartIP
Set Shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
j = 2
Command = "cmd /C PING.EXE -a " & currentIP & " -n 1 -w 700 > " & tempfilename
x = Shell.Run(Command, 0, True)
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(tempfilename, ForReading, True)
fline = f.readline
fline = f.readline
l1 = InStr(fline, " ")
l2 = InStr(l1 + 1, fline, " ")
l3 = InStr(l2 + 1, fline, " ")
l4 = InStr(fline, ".")
l5 = InStr(1, currentIP, ".")
mname = Mid(fline, l3 + 1, l4 - l3 - 1)
If mname = Mid(currentIP, 1, l5 - 1) Then
mname = "No encontrado"
End If
fline = f.readline
l5 = InStr(fline, " ")
If Mid(fline, 1, l5 - 1) <> "Respuesta" Then
found = "No Responde"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
found = "Activo"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
End If
objSheet.Cells(j, 1).Value = currentIP
objSheet.Cells(j, 2).Value = mname
xx = currentIP
currentIP = newip(xx)
j = j + 1
Loop Until currentIP = EndIP
Command = "cmd /C PING.EXE -a " & EndIP & " -n 1 -w 700 > " & tempfilename
x = Shell.Run(Command, 0, True)
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(tempfilename, ForReading, True)
fline = f.readline
fline = f.readline
l1 = InStr(fline, " ")
l2 = InStr(l1 + 1, fline, " ")
l3 = InStr(l2 + 1, fline, " ")
l4 = InStr(fline, ".")
l5 = InStr(1, EndIP, ".")
mname = Mid(fline, l3 + 1, l4 - l3 - 1)
If mname = Mid(EndIP, 1, l5 - 1) Then
mname = "No encontrado"
End If
fline = f.readline
l5 = InStr(fline, " ")
If Mid(fline, 1, l5 - 1) <> "Respuesta" Then
found = "No Responde"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
found = "Activo"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
End If
objSheet.Cells(j, 1).Value = EndIP
objSheet.Cells(j, 2).Value = mname
' Save the spreadsheet and close the workbook.
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath
' Quit Excel.
' Clean Up
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
WScript.echo "Done!"
Case 2
WScript.echo "Goodbye."
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
End Select
'function for increasing the IP number
Function newip(xx)
s = 1
s1 = InStr(s, xx, ".", 1)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s3 = InStr(s2 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s4 = Len(xx) + 1
o1 = CInt(Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1))
o2 = CInt(Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1 - 1))
o3 = CInt(Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2 - 1))
o4 = CInt(Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3 - 1))
o4 = o4 + 1
If o4 > 255 Then 'If octet 4 is greater to 255, then pass to next network segment
o3 = o3 + 1
o4 = 0
End If
If o3 > 255 Then 'If octet 3 is greater to 255, then pass to next network segment
o2 = o2 + 1
o3 = 0
o4 = 0
End If
If o2 > 255 Then 'If octet 2 is greater to 255, then pass to next network segment
o1 = o1 + 1
o2 = 0
o3 = 0
o4 = 0
End If
newip = (o1 & "." & o2 & "." & o3 & "." & o4)
End Function
'function for validating the IP address
Function ValidIP(xx)
n = 1
n0 = n
s = 1
valido = "valid"
s1 = InStr(s, xx, ".", 1)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s3 = InStr(s2 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s4 = Len(xx) + 1
s5 = InStr(s3 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
If s1 - s < 1 Or s1 - s > 3 Then 'Validate that the octet 1 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s2 - s1 < 2 Or s2 - s1 > 4 Then 'Validate that the octet 2 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s3 - s2 < 2 Or s3 - s2 > 4 Then 'Validate that the octet 3 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s4 - s3 < 2 Or s4 - s3 > 4 Then 'Validate that the octet 4 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s5 <> 0 Then 'Validate that after octet 4 there is nothing more
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1)) Then 'Validate that the octet 1 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1)) Then 'Validate that the octet 2 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2)) Then 'Validate that the octet 3 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3)) Then 'Validate that the octet 4 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1) > 255 Or Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 1 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1) > 255 Or Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 2 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2) > 255 Or Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 3 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3) > 255 Or Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 4 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
End If
ValidIP = valido
End Function
'function for validating the End IP address
Function GreaterIP(xx, yy)
valido = "after"
s = 1
t = 1
s1 = InStr(s, xx, ".", 1)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s3 = InStr(s2 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s4 = Len(xx) + 1
t1 = InStr(t, yy, ".", 1)
t2 = InStr(t1 + 1, yy, ".", 1)
t3 = InStr(t2 + 1, yy, ".", 1)
t4 = Len(yy) + 1
so1 = CInt(Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1))
eo1 = CInt(Mid(yy, 1, t1 - 1))
so2 = CInt(Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1 - 1))
eo2 = CInt(Mid(yy, t1 + 1, t2 - t1 - 1))
so3 = CInt(Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2 - 1))
eo3 = CInt(Mid(yy, t2 + 1, t3 - t2 - 1))
so4 = CInt(Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3 - 1))
eo4 = CInt(Mid(yy, t3 + 1, t4 - t3 - 1))
If so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so2 > eo2 And so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so3 > eo3 And so2 < eo2 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so3 > eo3 And so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so4 > eo4 And so3 < eo3 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so4 > eo4 And so2 < eo2 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so4 > eo4 And so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else If so4 < eo4 Then
valido = "after"
Else If so3 < eo3 Then
valido = "after"
Else If so2 < eo2 Then
valido = "after"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
GreaterIP = valido
End Function
Hi everybody,
I want to publish some improvements that I've made from thread Link, for me it was VERY HELPFUL, and in gratitude to the author "nullig" I'm going to publish it here. Some improvements are:
[li]Verify that the IP has only numbers and no letters[/li]
[li]Verify that the IP has the correct format (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)[/li]
[li]Verify that each octet is between 1 and 255[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that makes ping (ping takes less time)[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that takes hostname[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that pass from one network segment to another[/li]
[li]Improvements to the code that verifies if Initial IP is greater than End IP[/li]
Here is the code:
'º MultiPing.vbs v2.0 º
'º º
'º Script to ping a range of IP Addresses and º
'º write results to an Excel Workbook º
'º º
'º Noel McGran (23/07/04) º
'User Input of IP range
Message = "Please enter start IP:"
Title = "Start Range"
StartIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
xx = StartIP
Good = ValidIP(xx)
Do While Good = "invalid"
Message = StartIP & " is not a valid IP." & _
vbCrLf & "Please re-enter start IP:"
Title = "Start Range"
StartIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
xx = StartIP
Good = ValidIP(xx)
Message = "Please enter end IP:"
Title = "End Range"
EndIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
yy = EndIP
Good = ValidIP(yy)
Do While Good = "invalid"
Message = EndIP & " is not a valid IP." & _
vbCrLf & "Please re-enter end IP:"
Title = "End Range"
EndIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
yy = EndIP
Good = ValidIP(yy)
xx = StartIP
yy = EndIP
Good = GreaterIP(xx, yy)
Do While Good = "before"
Message = EndIP & " is " & Good & " or equal to " & StartIP _
& vbCrLf & "Please re-enter End IP:"
Title = "End Range"
EndIP = InputBox(Message, Title)
xx = StartIP
yy = EndIP
Good = GreaterIP(xx, yy)
msgText = "IP range is " & StartIP & " to " & EndIP & vbCrLf & "Continue?"
Select Case MsgBox(msgText, vbOKCancel)
Case 1
tempfilename = "C:\Temp\MultiPing\IPtemp.txt"
' Spreadsheet file to be created.
strExcelPath = "C:\Temp\MultiPing\MultiPing.xlsx"
' Bind to Excel object.
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = 1
' Create a new workbook.
' Bind to worksheet.
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objSheet.Name = "Active IPs"
' Populate spreadsheet cells with user attributes.
objSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "IP Address"
objSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Computer Name"
objSheet.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Estado"
' Format the spreadsheet.
objSheet.Range("A1:C1").Font.Bold = True
objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
objExcel.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 15
objExcel.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20
LF = Chr(10)
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
currentIP = StartIP
Set Shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
j = 2
Command = "cmd /C PING.EXE -a " & currentIP & " -n 1 -w 700 > " & tempfilename
x = Shell.Run(Command, 0, True)
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(tempfilename, ForReading, True)
fline = f.readline
fline = f.readline
l1 = InStr(fline, " ")
l2 = InStr(l1 + 1, fline, " ")
l3 = InStr(l2 + 1, fline, " ")
l4 = InStr(fline, ".")
l5 = InStr(1, currentIP, ".")
mname = Mid(fline, l3 + 1, l4 - l3 - 1)
If mname = Mid(currentIP, 1, l5 - 1) Then
mname = "No encontrado"
End If
fline = f.readline
l5 = InStr(fline, " ")
If Mid(fline, 1, l5 - 1) <> "Respuesta" Then
found = "No Responde"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
found = "Activo"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
End If
objSheet.Cells(j, 1).Value = currentIP
objSheet.Cells(j, 2).Value = mname
xx = currentIP
currentIP = newip(xx)
j = j + 1
Loop Until currentIP = EndIP
Command = "cmd /C PING.EXE -a " & EndIP & " -n 1 -w 700 > " & tempfilename
x = Shell.Run(Command, 0, True)
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(tempfilename, ForReading, True)
fline = f.readline
fline = f.readline
l1 = InStr(fline, " ")
l2 = InStr(l1 + 1, fline, " ")
l3 = InStr(l2 + 1, fline, " ")
l4 = InStr(fline, ".")
l5 = InStr(1, EndIP, ".")
mname = Mid(fline, l3 + 1, l4 - l3 - 1)
If mname = Mid(EndIP, 1, l5 - 1) Then
mname = "No encontrado"
End If
fline = f.readline
l5 = InStr(fline, " ")
If Mid(fline, 1, l5 - 1) <> "Respuesta" Then
found = "No Responde"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
found = "Activo"
objSheet.Cells(j, 3).Value = found
End If
objSheet.Cells(j, 1).Value = EndIP
objSheet.Cells(j, 2).Value = mname
' Save the spreadsheet and close the workbook.
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath
' Quit Excel.
' Clean Up
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
WScript.echo "Done!"
Case 2
WScript.echo "Goodbye."
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
End Select
'function for increasing the IP number
Function newip(xx)
s = 1
s1 = InStr(s, xx, ".", 1)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s3 = InStr(s2 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s4 = Len(xx) + 1
o1 = CInt(Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1))
o2 = CInt(Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1 - 1))
o3 = CInt(Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2 - 1))
o4 = CInt(Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3 - 1))
o4 = o4 + 1
If o4 > 255 Then 'If octet 4 is greater to 255, then pass to next network segment
o3 = o3 + 1
o4 = 0
End If
If o3 > 255 Then 'If octet 3 is greater to 255, then pass to next network segment
o2 = o2 + 1
o3 = 0
o4 = 0
End If
If o2 > 255 Then 'If octet 2 is greater to 255, then pass to next network segment
o1 = o1 + 1
o2 = 0
o3 = 0
o4 = 0
End If
newip = (o1 & "." & o2 & "." & o3 & "." & o4)
End Function
'function for validating the IP address
Function ValidIP(xx)
n = 1
n0 = n
s = 1
valido = "valid"
s1 = InStr(s, xx, ".", 1)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s3 = InStr(s2 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s4 = Len(xx) + 1
s5 = InStr(s3 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
If s1 - s < 1 Or s1 - s > 3 Then 'Validate that the octet 1 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s2 - s1 < 2 Or s2 - s1 > 4 Then 'Validate that the octet 2 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s3 - s2 < 2 Or s3 - s2 > 4 Then 'Validate that the octet 3 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s4 - s3 < 2 Or s4 - s3 > 4 Then 'Validate that the octet 4 has 1 to 3 digits
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf s5 <> 0 Then 'Validate that after octet 4 there is nothing more
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1)) Then 'Validate that the octet 1 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1)) Then 'Validate that the octet 2 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2)) Then 'Validate that the octet 3 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3)) Then 'Validate that the octet 4 is numeric
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1) > 255 Or Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 1 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1) > 255 Or Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 2 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2) > 255 Or Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 3 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
ElseIf Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3) > 255 Or Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3) < 0 Then 'Validate if octet 4 is between 1 and 255
valido = "invalid"
End If
ValidIP = valido
End Function
'function for validating the End IP address
Function GreaterIP(xx, yy)
valido = "after"
s = 1
t = 1
s1 = InStr(s, xx, ".", 1)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s3 = InStr(s2 + 1, xx, ".", 1)
s4 = Len(xx) + 1
t1 = InStr(t, yy, ".", 1)
t2 = InStr(t1 + 1, yy, ".", 1)
t3 = InStr(t2 + 1, yy, ".", 1)
t4 = Len(yy) + 1
so1 = CInt(Mid(xx, 1, s1 - 1))
eo1 = CInt(Mid(yy, 1, t1 - 1))
so2 = CInt(Mid(xx, s1 + 1, s2 - s1 - 1))
eo2 = CInt(Mid(yy, t1 + 1, t2 - t1 - 1))
so3 = CInt(Mid(xx, s2 + 1, s3 - s2 - 1))
eo3 = CInt(Mid(yy, t2 + 1, t3 - t2 - 1))
so4 = CInt(Mid(xx, s3 + 1, s4 - s3 - 1))
eo4 = CInt(Mid(yy, t3 + 1, t4 - t3 - 1))
If so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so2 > eo2 And so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so3 > eo3 And so2 < eo2 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so3 > eo3 And so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so4 > eo4 And so3 < eo3 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so4 > eo4 And so2 < eo2 Then
valido = "after"
Else: valido = "before"
If so4 > eo4 And so1 < eo1 Then
valido = "after"
Else If so4 < eo4 Then
valido = "after"
Else If so3 < eo3 Then
valido = "after"
Else If so2 < eo2 Then
valido = "after"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
GreaterIP = valido
End Function