Hi there, I have a string
attrbute1="value1" attribute2="value2" attribute3="value3"
and I need to replace value2 with another string.
This is what I have so far, but this replaces the term 'attribute2' with the string. How would I replace value2 (value2 can be any random string)
p = Pattern.compile("attribute2");
m = p.matcher(instring);
outstring = m.replaceAll(repalce_with_string);
attrbute1="value1" attribute2="value2" attribute3="value3"
and I need to replace value2 with another string.
This is what I have so far, but this replaces the term 'attribute2' with the string. How would I replace value2 (value2 can be any random string)
p = Pattern.compile("attribute2");
m = p.matcher(instring);
outstring = m.replaceAll(repalce_with_string);