If i was to use the following code would i have any problems with certain video cards? Because i am a newbie i dont know too much about anything but certain people told me that some display cards show 12 twips per pixel and soem 15 twips per pixel.
well this is what i have got in the way of code
Public Sub CheckRes()
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
Dim MsgTitle As String
Dim MsgStyle As Long
Dim Msg As String
Dim MsgResponse As Long
Y = GetSystemMetrics(0)
X = GetSystemMetrics(1)
If X = 600 And Y = 800 Then
ElseIf X = 480 And Y = 640 Then
ElseIf X = 768 And Y = 1024 Then
MsgTitle = "Invalid Resolution"
MsgStyle = vbCritical
Msg = "You are unable to view fullscreen mode because" & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "your current video resolution is: " & Y & " X " & X & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "It is recomended that resolution is set at 800 X 600."
MsgResponse = MsgBox(Msg, MsgStyle, MsgTitle)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFullScreen_Click_B()
Dim Jim As Long
Jim = SetWindowRgn(Me.hwnd, 0, False)
ShapedForm.WindowState = 2
WebBrowser1.Width = 9600
WebBrowser1.Height = 7200
WebBrowser1.Top = 0
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFullScreen_Click_C()
Dim Jim As Long
Jim = SetWindowRgn(Me.hwnd, 0, False)
ShapedForm.WindowState = 2
WebBrowser1.Width = 15360
WebBrowser1.Height = 11520
WebBrowser1.Top = 0
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFullScreen_Click()
Dim Jim As Long
Jim = SetWindowRgn(Me.hwnd, 0, False)
ShapedForm.WindowState = 2
WebBrowser1.Width = 12000
WebBrowser1.Height = 9000
WebBrowser1.Top = 0
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
if anyone knows anything about any of this please reply.
well this is what i have got in the way of code
Public Sub CheckRes()
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
Dim MsgTitle As String
Dim MsgStyle As Long
Dim Msg As String
Dim MsgResponse As Long
Y = GetSystemMetrics(0)
X = GetSystemMetrics(1)
If X = 600 And Y = 800 Then
ElseIf X = 480 And Y = 640 Then
ElseIf X = 768 And Y = 1024 Then
MsgTitle = "Invalid Resolution"
MsgStyle = vbCritical
Msg = "You are unable to view fullscreen mode because" & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "your current video resolution is: " & Y & " X " & X & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "It is recomended that resolution is set at 800 X 600."
MsgResponse = MsgBox(Msg, MsgStyle, MsgTitle)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFullScreen_Click_B()
Dim Jim As Long
Jim = SetWindowRgn(Me.hwnd, 0, False)
ShapedForm.WindowState = 2
WebBrowser1.Width = 9600
WebBrowser1.Height = 7200
WebBrowser1.Top = 0
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFullScreen_Click_C()
Dim Jim As Long
Jim = SetWindowRgn(Me.hwnd, 0, False)
ShapedForm.WindowState = 2
WebBrowser1.Width = 15360
WebBrowser1.Height = 11520
WebBrowser1.Top = 0
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFullScreen_Click()
Dim Jim As Long
Jim = SetWindowRgn(Me.hwnd, 0, False)
ShapedForm.WindowState = 2
WebBrowser1.Width = 12000
WebBrowser1.Height = 9000
WebBrowser1.Top = 0
WebBrowser1.Left = 0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
if anyone knows anything about any of this please reply.