First a screen shot:
SRPT091 HB: Remote side AML health change:0.
SRPT091 HB: Remote side AML health change:2.
SRPT092 AML: remote side AML connection 16 to health change: 2.
The IP address refers to Call Pilot.
The System Msg Doc lists this as informational and no big deal requiring no action. Question is what dose health change 0 & health change 2 mean??
If it is strictly informational, is there a way to stop it?
SRPT091 HB: Remote side AML health change:0.
SRPT091 HB: Remote side AML health change:2.
SRPT092 AML: remote side AML connection 16 to health change: 2.
The IP address refers to Call Pilot.
The System Msg Doc lists this as informational and no big deal requiring no action. Question is what dose health change 0 & health change 2 mean??
If it is strictly informational, is there a way to stop it?