I have a formula includes variable that accumlate a values ( the formula act as a running total)
When I try to put this formula in a chart (within another formula), i receive the following error :
A print time formula that modifies variable is used in a chart or map details: @formual1
NumberVar CCC;
CCC := CCC + tonumber({@formualX});
--@formula5 (included in a chart)
I try to make an array for the variable CCC, but charts cant be bulit on array.
Can any one help me, or give me alternative solution ??
When I try to put this formula in a chart (within another formula), i receive the following error :
A print time formula that modifies variable is used in a chart or map details: @formual1
NumberVar CCC;
CCC := CCC + tonumber({@formualX});
--@formula5 (included in a chart)
I try to make an array for the variable CCC, but charts cant be bulit on array.
Can any one help me, or give me alternative solution ??