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A/P Batch - trap input errors

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Jul 2, 2004
Hi I am working on Invoice importing system for ACCPAC A/P.
I have a challenge for you:

When importing a batch (from external application) I can get to the point where the invoice that I importing has incorrect information (For example: Vendor ID, Invoice Nubmer, GL Account,...). When I try to import such a record I get run time error, catching it and NOW: the problem is: How to continue this importing proces? That is I whant to move on to the next record to import it, and just log that error record with that ID has that error.

P.S. I know that there is Cancel method available with which I probably can manage to solve problem, but I don't quite know how it work's

My routines:

APINVOICEheader.Fields("CNTBTCH").PutWithoutVerification (BatchNo)
APINVOICEheader.Fields("CNTITEM").PutWithoutVerification ("0")
APINVOICEheader.Browse "CNTBTCH = " + BatchNo, 1
APINVOICEheader.Fields("CNTITEM").PutWithoutVerification ("0")
APINVOICEheader.Fields("IDVEND") = Main.rstSourceDB![Vendor ID]

APINVOICEheader.Fields("IDINVC") = Main.rstSourceDB![Invoice]

APINVOICEheader.Fields("ORDRNBR") = Main.rstSourceDB![Work Order Number]
APINVOICEheader.Fields("INVCDESC") = Main.rstSourceDB![Invoice Description]
APINVOICEheader.Fields("DATEINVC") = Main.rstSourceDB![Due Date]


'setting up Fiscal Year and period
APINVOICEheader.Fields("FISCYR") = Year(Date)
APINVOICEheader.Fields("FISCPER") = Month(Date)

'populate detail1 (Table at the bottom of main tab in ACCPAC)
APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("IDGLACCT") = Main.rstSourceDB![GL Account]
APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("AMTDIST") = Main.rstSourceDB![Total]
APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("TEXTDESC") = Main.rstSourceDB![Comments]
'APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("AMTTOTTAX") = Main.rstSourceDB![GST] + Main.rstSourceDB![PST]
'APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("AMTTAXTOBE") = Main.rstSourceDB![GST] + Main.rstSourceDB![PST]
'APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("AMTTAX1") = Main.rstSourceDB![GST]
'APINVOICEdetail1.Fields("AMTTAX2") = Main.rstSourceDB![PST]
[/color green]
APINVOICEheader.Fields("AMTGROSTOT") = Main.rstSourceDB![Total]
GoTo nextRecord


ErrCount = Main.AccpacSession.errors.Count
If ErrCount > 0 Then
For j = 0 To ErrCount - 1
errorNumber = errorNumber + 1
Error = Main.AccpacSession.errors.item(j)
File.WriteLine (errorNumber & ". Importing Error: Record ID#: " _
& Main.rstSourceDB![ID] & " Invoice#: " & Main.rstSourceDB![Invoice] _
& ":" & vbCrLf & Replace(Error, vbLf, ""))
errorNumber = errorNumber + 1
File.WriteLine ("Importing Error: Record ID#: " & Main.rstSourceDB![ID] _
& " Invoice#: " & Main.rstSourceDB![Invoice] & vbCrLf & Err.Description)
End If
'clear prev error
GoTo nextRecord_err

imported = True
recordImported(i) = True

[/color blue]

By the way If anybody tried to add taxes into invoice HOW, what fields are connected and what info should they contain? (Part of the code in green)

Thanks to everybody for the posts
Update on the previous post:

I was playing with Cancel method that is REMed at the end of the listing, and it actually can restart views for importing next invoice, BUT:

The thing is: You can import new invoices after error as long as you have all correct information in the invoices that follows, BUT when you reach next invoice with incorrect information subroutine falls of with error message (it doesn't even get cought by "error catcher")

I get following error message:
"Method 'Value' of object 'IAccpacViewField' failed"

Any Ideas?
I got the problem with restarting the process figured out
My mistake was that I was coding:

Goto ...
at the end of the error handling routine

should have...
Resume ...


But I still have problem with adding Taxes import!?

any help will be appresiated
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Part and Inventory Search

