after I created a cursor in vfp and filled it in with some data. I found a problem with the asterix value in my report. Is there something wrong with my writing format as mentioned below?
then on command button with code below
report gives me an asterisk for mket01 = ***.**.****.****
Meanwhile for mket02 to mket 05 there are no problems.
Are there really any problems in writing my coding?
I'm using VFP 8...
before and after I thank you for your guidance
create cursor skedul1 (norekening N(13), ke N(2), pokok_kr N(12), bunga_kr N(12), pokok_sd N(12))
insert into skedul1 (norekening, ke, pokok_kr, pokok_sd, bunga_kr) values (1312124120052, 1, 0, 26400, 850000)
insert into skedul1 (norekening, ke, pokok_kr, pokok_sd, bunga_kr) values (1312124120052, 2, 0, 26400, 850000)
then on command button with code below
select skedul1
mket01 = transform(skedul1.norekening,"999.99.9999.9999")
mket02 =
mket03 = transform(skedul1.pokok_kr,"999.999.999.999")
mket04 = transform(skedul1.pokok_sd,"999.999.999.999")
mket05 = transform(skedul1.bunga_kr,"999.999.999.999")
REPORT FORM "E:\My Foxy\Vfp8\Report\myslip.frx" PREVIEW
report gives me an asterisk for mket01 = ***.**.****.****
Meanwhile for mket02 to mket 05 there are no problems.
Are there really any problems in writing my coding?
I'm using VFP 8...
before and after I thank you for your guidance