I just recently updated a couple of my AD/DNS servers to 2008 R2. I have used ADM templates in the past, but never defined a Central Store to store ADMX templates. I created the "PolicyDefinitions" directory in the appropriate location along with the "en-US" subdirectory for language files. Opening up GPO editor showed me my new template offerings, but it looked like my default Administration templates were no longer listed. I downloaded 2008 R2 and Windows 7 ADMX templates from and placed them in the Central Store directory accordingly and looks like the default templates are back.
So my question is, was this the proper procedure I needed to do in the first place since I created the Central Store directory? I don't remember reading that I would have to do this so I'm just making sure this was what was supposed to happen.
So my question is, was this the proper procedure I needed to do in the first place since I created the Central Store directory? I don't remember reading that I would have to do this so I'm just making sure this was what was supposed to happen.