I have this software for making a server on my computer from rhinosoft and I am wondering about something. I can name the server and enter my domain IP address, which I think is my IP address that someone would connect to if they want to look at my files, somebody correct me if I'm wrong. The only problem is that I am using a router and so I don't want to put the IP address of the router in because that would not work. Will I run into a problem if I put my IP address for my own computer in when somebody tries to log in? I think I read somewhere that the router will interfere in some way with the connection but I am not quite sure if that is true or not.
Do you think your friend could feed my cat? Heisenberg wasn't sure. ~ Erwin Schrodinger talking of his revolutionary paradox
Do you think your friend could feed my cat? Heisenberg wasn't sure. ~ Erwin Schrodinger talking of his revolutionary paradox