Looking for a simple off-the-shelf document management program to fit into our existing corporate (static) website...
we're looking for a document management solution for our small corporate website. It's so we can manage reports and market information that we want visitors to the site to be able to download easily.
All the solutions we've looked at involve hosting the application as some kind of seperate entity (with its own server etc), sometimes even off-site. That's just too complicated.
Must be SQL server compliant (if it uses an RDBMS). Documents can be stored on one of our file servers.
Is their a small "off-the-shelf" plugin or app that we can put in our ASP/ASP.NET pages, with a simple graphical interface of titled folders and documents (possibly with summaries)?
Everything looks so cumbersome!
Thanks for any advice
Looking for a simple off-the-shelf document management program to fit into our existing corporate (static) website...
we're looking for a document management solution for our small corporate website. It's so we can manage reports and market information that we want visitors to the site to be able to download easily.
All the solutions we've looked at involve hosting the application as some kind of seperate entity (with its own server etc), sometimes even off-site. That's just too complicated.
Must be SQL server compliant (if it uses an RDBMS). Documents can be stored on one of our file servers.
Is their a small "off-the-shelf" plugin or app that we can put in our ASP/ASP.NET pages, with a simple graphical interface of titled folders and documents (possibly with summaries)?
Everything looks so cumbersome!
Thanks for any advice