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A different take on exporting to Excel

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Mar 21, 2006
I've tried all sorts of methods to export DBF files to Excel, to work with large datasets and include memo fields, and I've recently worked on another way of exporting: Using Excel 2007's own 'Import Data' functionality.

So the process is :
1. Create DBF file
2. Automate Excel to Import that DBF

cFullName = "Q:\directory\export.dbf" && DBF File to 'export' to excel
cDataSource = JUSTPATH( m.cFullName )
cFileStem   = JUSTSTEM( m.cFullName )
lcTimeStamp = RIGHT(DTOC(DATE(),1),4)+LEFT(DTOC(DATE(),1),4)
cSaveAs     = ADDBS( m.cDataSource ) + "Data Extract "+m.lcTimeStamp
lcConnStr   = TEXTMERGE([OLEDB;Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source="<<m.cDataSource>>";Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";] ;
            + [User ID="";Mask Password=False;Cache Authentication=False;Encrypt Password=False;Collating Sequence=MACHINE;] ;
            + [ANSI=True;REPROCESS=5] )
odcFile     = "C:\temp.odc"
odcName     = JUSTSTEM(m.odcFile)
oXl = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application.12") && Multiple copies of Excel on workstation. 
  .DefaultSaveFormat = 50 && xlExcel12 : prevents 65536 max if excel configured to create .xls by default
  oWb = .WorkBooks.Add 
  oSh = .ActiveSheet
  WITH osh
    .Name = "Data"
    WITH .ListObjects.Add(0, m.lcConnStr,,, oSh.Range("$A$1")).QueryTable
      .CommandType            = 3 && xlCmdTable
      .CommandText            = TEXTMERGE([`<<m.cFileStem>>`])
      .RowNumbers             = .F.
      .FillAdjacentFormulas   = .F.
      .PreserveFormatting     = .T.
      .RefreshOnFileOpen      = .F.
      .BackgroundQuery        = .T.
      .RefreshStyle           = 1 && xlInsertDeleteCells
      .SavePassword           = .F.
      .SaveData               = .T.
      .AdjustColumnWidth      = .T.
      .RefreshPeriod          = 0
      .PreserveColumnInfo     = .T.
      .SourceConnectionFile   = m.odcFile
      .ListObject.DisplayName = m.odcName
      .Refresh(0) && BackgroundQuery:=False 
  .DisplayAlerts = .F.
  oWb.SaveAs( m.cSaveAs, 50 ) && Client wanted .xlsb, change to suit
  .DisplayAlerts = .T.
(Record Macro is my friend)

This produces a formatted sheet with autofilters on all fields, and rows with alternating background colours.

Has anybody else come to end up using this functionality? What problems have you encountered ?

My main issue was that the listobject itself prevented me from further formatting, but my workaround was creating a second worksheet, copying the data section from the first sheet (rows 2-x), using .PasteSpecial() to copy only the values to the new sheet, and then removing the first sheet.

That has a new turn for me, using .ListObjects. Using the VFPOLEDB.1 OLE DB Provider is not a new idea, though. That was shown by Cetin Basoz and got part of foxyclasses, if I interpret my google searches of "dbf2excel Cetin Basoz" correctly.

Bye, Olaf.
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