In a database I built for someone else I've run into a problem. There are 226 rows with data, however just a few minutes ago one of the rows of data suddenly displayed '#Deleted' in every column.
A little more on the database
Has 4 parts, 2 tables, 1 form and 1 subform. The form is has one selection, 'state' where the user selects the state and all the records for that state appear in the sub form. The user then enters the tracking information into the sub form.
Its the table tied to the subform that this happened to and its not for an entire state, just for one record.
3 questions:
1) What could have caused this?
2) Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
3) Is it possible to retrieve the data that was lost?
Help is always appriciated! Thank you!
Have a problem with my spelling or grammar? Please refer all complaints to my English teacher:
Ralphy "Me fail English? That's unpossible." Wiggum
A little more on the database
Has 4 parts, 2 tables, 1 form and 1 subform. The form is has one selection, 'state' where the user selects the state and all the records for that state appear in the sub form. The user then enters the tracking information into the sub form.
Its the table tied to the subform that this happened to and its not for an entire state, just for one record.
3 questions:
1) What could have caused this?
2) Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
3) Is it possible to retrieve the data that was lost?
Help is always appriciated! Thank you!
Have a problem with my spelling or grammar? Please refer all complaints to my English teacher:
Ralphy "Me fail English? That's unpossible." Wiggum