A lot of the tutorials out there is crap. There several reasons for that:
- lack of creativity (too many people copy the ideas of others)
- lack of dedication (few take the time to write more than just a single "figure it out on your own" page)
- sites like Good-Tutorials, Pixel2Life, Tutorialized have become a breeding ground for bad tutorials. The reason is because these sites seem to approve too many poor tutorials, tutorials that are often written with one purpose; to get traffic and as a result of that have income.
- lack of skills (everyone seems to call himself a professional graphic designer/artist nowadays)
You might say "but hey, these tutorials are free".
Please, don't feel sorry with authors; they often make good many with advertising on their crappy tutorials.
A reply is only useful if it goes some way to solving a problem. Personally I prefer to learn from books but I am old fashioned.
Crusard -
Washing Up Liquid, Hoop on a stick, Camera and take a copyright free photograph plus it is an excuse to act like a child for a time - it beats working for a living.
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