Hi all
Can someone please explain how the following works and if there is a way to overcome it?
I have set up a site using oscommerce (no problems with that). I now wish to upload a self-populated csv file that I will create and export from a table in Visual Foxpro. We have tried something called EasyPopulate but it appears to be a no go.
The table we have contains tens of thousands of music titles and altering the structure is not an issue but in any case, the basics at the moment are:
Artist and title
Date available
Product quantity
Image source
Product status (1 = in stock / 0 - out of stock)
I am a complete newbie to MySQL but I am able to use myphpadmin in our web hosting and find the database that takes care of the tables/databases on the website.
Amongst the databases is one called products
This database contains all the fields that I require above with the exception of description which is a text field and product name used to store the artist and title.
Having worked my way around the databases (there are a lot) I found another one called products_description. This file contains the two missing fields I require. The structures of these fields are products_name - varchar(64) and products_description - text
I have had no problem using myphpadmin to export csv files for me to view the structure but ideally it would be better placed if ALL the fields I require were in one table/database.
So to the point, will I have to create two csv files from exported data from my Visual FoxPro tables in the required format for the SQL file (if thats the right terminology) or is there a way I can either amend the existing ones and just create and upload one?
Sorry for the long winded post guys but I hope that makes sense in what I'm trying to achieve.
Many thanks
Windows XP
Visual FoxPro Version 6 & 9