On the _root I have a movieclip called sub, sub has got a dynamic textbox (not input text) variable name=mytext.
The movieclip has got an onclip(load) which sets the value for mytext (this.mytext="whatever"
The movieclip has allso an onclip(enterFrame) which sets the _apha property ty fade out like so:
The movieclip fades out ok but dynamic text doesn't.
I need this to make a dynamic dropdown box like the dropdown box of html filled with values from a database so there are variable values and a variable amount of values.
The movieclip has got an onclip(load) which sets the value for mytext (this.mytext="whatever"
The movieclip has allso an onclip(enterFrame) which sets the _apha property ty fade out like so:
The movieclip fades out ok but dynamic text doesn't.
I need this to make a dynamic dropdown box like the dropdown box of html filled with values from a database so there are variable values and a variable amount of values.