Phone downloads 96xxupgrade.txt file, HTTP: 1 200
Phone downloads 46xxsettings.txt file, HTTP: 1 200
Phone then goes to download the ha96xxua3_10.bin file, gives a HTTP: 1 -1 message and reboots.
This process has occurred for the last 5 9640's that i've attempted to boot up out of the box.
Anybody else experienced this?
ACS - IP Office Implement
ACA - IP Telephony Implement
CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate
MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional
I like stars
Phone downloads 46xxsettings.txt file, HTTP: 1 200
Phone then goes to download the ha96xxua3_10.bin file, gives a HTTP: 1 -1 message and reboots.
This process has occurred for the last 5 9640's that i've attempted to boot up out of the box.
Anybody else experienced this?
ACS - IP Office Implement
ACA - IP Telephony Implement
CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate
MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional
I like stars