I have a Fabric switch which is operating fine but i keep getting messages from the network team that the switch is running half duplex.
The switch is running SAN OS 2.0(1b)
Is there a way to set the management port to full duplex?
I have run the following commands
The above commands failed to change the management port settings.
Is there another way?
Thanks in advance
I have a Fabric switch which is operating fine but i keep getting messages from the network team that the switch is running half duplex.
The switch is running SAN OS 2.0(1b)
Is there a way to set the management port to full duplex?
I have run the following commands
TV1# show interface mgmt 0
mgmt0 is up
Hardware is FastEthernet
Address is xxxx.xxxx.bd08
Internet address is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100 Mbps half Duplex
10366457 packets input, 1500402363 bytes
0 multicast frames, 0 compressed
0 input errors, 0 frame, 0 overrun 0 fifo
4939355 packets output, 1660153271 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 6979 collisions, 40 fifo
6818 carrier errors
TV2# show interface mgmt 0
mgmt0 is up
Hardware is FastEthernet
Address is xxxx.xxxx.bcd0
Internet address is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100 Mbps half Duplex
10650740 packets input, 1435379861 bytes
0 multicast frames, 0 compressed
0 input errors, 0 frame, 0 overrun 0 fifo
5010095 packets output, 1356742484 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 981 collisions, 37 fifo
876 carrier errors
TV1# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
TV1(config)# interface mgmt 0
TV1# switchport duplex full
The above commands failed to change the management port settings.
Is there another way?
Thanks in advance