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911 Issue.

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Technical User
Jan 14, 2005
Need some advice on how I should do this..
I have a Opt 81C that is connected to 4 different buildings for a shared tenent service. I am running PRI's for all calls..Problem 911 calls are all giving the PRI location address for all calls (not a good thing for other buildings). Solution: I have installed GRD start trunks at each location and routed back to my 81...now my problem...How can I do this the easiest way?
Need to have each tenent's 911 call go out the GRD SRT trunk for the building?
example: Tenent 1 in building 2 go out building 2 trk.
Tenent 5 in building 3 go out building 3 trk.
any ideas?
I never dealt much with multi tenant.

But one way you could solve this is with NCOS for sets and multi routes for COT 911 calls

after you allow access to each route in ld 93, then put each route in a rlb and point 911 to that rlb, the call will take the entry number that is allowed for that route in 93.. i don't see how this will solve your problem unless your routing the analogs out to 911 on a unique route. why can't you set up a clid for each tenant so that building sends it's main number? i have that set up, all the stations in my remote medical parks have either a clid for the did or the clid for the building itself..

john poole
bellsouth business

I don't think the CLID is the problem. I'm not real clear on the problem but, from what I gathered is that when someone calls 911 and hangs up from any building that the switch covers, the dispatch center would see the ADDRESS of the PRI...and sends someone over to check it out. Now, here in Denver when a 911 call comes in and there is no problem they charge the building a fee..(the building where the T's are located gets the charge)..so if someone from another building calls 911 and hangs up..I get emergency people at my office looking for a problem...Then, I have to look up who called 911 and then try to recoup what the building was charged from the company that called them...not pretty..So my powers that be wanted to have 2 GRD srts installed in building A and route 911 calls from tenents in building A to go out the grd starts installed and ADDRESSED for building A.That way if a 911 hangup occurs, Building A gets the charge..instead of building D where the PRI's are installed..clear as mud right? So, I am thinking is this the best way...and how would I program the system so that Building A tenents 911 calls go out building A trunks.
that will work but if you

  HNTN 303
  HLCL 419
then apply that clid table to that tennant, 911 will see the did number or the calling set 303 plus 419 plus the dn

john poole
bellsouth business
Depending on your switch type and PKG's you could bring up ESA. This would give you a printout on a Digital set and TTY that would show who called 911. Like john said before about the CLID table you would still need to program but just add the ESA Information.

ESA_APDN (YES) NO Append the originating Directory Number after the Home Local Number for Emergency Services Access calls
- ESA_HLCL x..x Home Local Number for Emergency Services Access calls
- ESA_INHN (NO) YES Home National Number in front of Home Local Number for Emergency Services Access calls

For setting up ESA refer to the NTP's for LD 24.
I know that will show the number..but the problem is the address...
I agree that this will present that data, but if all the DID info is being provided INTO Building D, the PSAP will also get the Billing info for that DID, thereby charging the owner of the DID service. 2400tec could then bill that charge back to the customer in Building A, but that would still create additional administration work for him.

As I am also in the Denver area, where the local PSAP relies on the BTN/ANI information as well as the CLID info presented to the PSAP during a call. It is possible Qwest is like this everywhere, but they do not ultimatly rely on CLID for location, since it can be altered from "the real info." (We recently added PRI and I had to sign an agreement that we would not send CLID data out PRI links unless those numbere belonged to my company, but who is to stop us unless someone else complains)

An alternative is to install CAMA trunks and use an E911 service like Intrado to provide additional data to the PSAP. You could add this just on the 81, then set up the database with the E911 provider to designate where each of those phones/numbers are located. I don't know if you could then bill false 911 calls directly to your customer, so that might not help much.

John, I think the option you present is close, but having a way for each location to have their own 911 path out, while on the same system, 81C, is difficult. I think your earlier comments about tenant service and seperate trunks might be the best way. The only issue there is the new trunks MUST be physically terminated in the other buildings, so the service address is correct.

I could be missing something.

Scott M.
In some areas you can submit paperwork that would give the correct address for the CLID information sent out for 911 calls. This would depend on your provider for local service. Some providers will only send out a billing number as CLID for 911 calls. Copper Trunks may be the easiest.
The trunks are physically terminated in buildings A,B,C,D and then x-connected to the building where the switch is located.
So the real issue is how to seperate the calls from Building A so only phones in Building A use them for 911?

I wonder if you can use an NCOS table to do that, and set the phones up to check those trunks first for all calls, then have only a 911 call have the ability to use those trunks.

My brain hurts now, so I am going to have to think of something easier, like quantum physics.

Scott M.
But, my question was...How do I tell the switch that this 911 call came from this tenent(1-50) in this building (A-D) and to route out this set of trks.
I do not know how to do this using tenant services, since we don't use that. It would be easy to do it by creating seperate customers, then each route in and out is defined for each customer. I think that creates a new problem for you, as it sounds like these tenants share some resources that might be lost by going the seperate customer route.

I will keep thinking, but looking over the tenant services, I think johnpoole is right.
after you allow access to each route in ld 93, then put each route in a rlb and point 911 to that rlb, the call will take the entry number that is allowed for that route in 93.. i don't see how this will solve your problem unless your routing the analogs out to 911 on a unique route
You can build sererate routes for each building, the use LD 93 to create a tenant to route access list. That way, tenant 1 can only use route x for 911. Tenant 2 would only be able to use route y.

I think you would build an entry for 911, then add entires for each route (each building trunks) in the RLI for each building. The LD 93 settings would allow/block other tenants from using the wrong route.

Scott M.
While this solution is cumbersome, it has worked for us. We have lots of mini-carrier remotes hanging off of different PBX's and all sites dial out of one PRI. I have a trunk in each location and use TARG/TGAR to force 911 calls out of the individual copper trunks thereby presenting a local number and the correct address to the PSAP.
another note, after you decide how you want to send a unique number for each location, you still need to insure that the psap has the right physical address for that dn. dialing 911 for a translation test, state that the call is a non emergency translation test and ask if the display address is xxxxxxx, the 911 dispatch will not give you the display address, but can tell you if the address you give is correct.. never wait until after the fact to verify that. nationwide over 10 percent of that database is incorrect, most of the problems occur in out field. i've install 911 centers and they do all they can, but without paperword from the enduser, their database is not much better then yours or mine

john poole
bellsouth business
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