I would first like to thank everyone for posting so much valuable information on this website. I have learned an enormous amount of knowledge. I can now configure my system to work just the way I like it. I am having an issue with my voicemail system though. I have an old Startalk Model B 50 mailbox system. The auto attendant (off of the voicemail) will pick up and transfer the call. If the line is not answered, it does go directly to voicemail. All of that works fine but when the person hangs up, the line on the main phone seems to be hung and will not drop for several minutes later. Is there something in the configuration that I'm missing? I am using one analog line (for testing). I can make calls and receive calls on this line with no problem. I have the voicemail system setup on station number 1001 & 1002 (2 port system). The main phone is on 1000 and the other phones start on 1003 & so forth. Is it a bad port card or should the voicemail system be moved down to the last stations available? Any help is always greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all of the info.