Technical User
I have a customer with a 8x24 and NAMII 2.0 (2 DVC's and 8 channels). All 8 CO lines are assigned to the receptionist phone. The Night Service Mode is setup to manual and most of the time it is on. All incomming calls will ring in the receptionist phone for a split second then AA will pick-up.
Here we go, the problem they are having is incomming calls will just keep on ringing on the receptionist phone. It doesn't ring normally, but it rings for split second. voicemail will never pick up that call. It will do this intermittently. All channels are available and they will still have this problem.
Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Here we go, the problem they are having is incomming calls will just keep on ringing on the receptionist phone. It doesn't ring normally, but it rings for split second. voicemail will never pick up that call. It will do this intermittently. All channels are available and they will still have this problem.
Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.