I am having a hard time with getting some spectrum sip trunks working. Has any one done any with them on an 8100 ..... Static setup.
We r using default IP addresses in 8100. Gateway is their SBC on site. Pbx is no Nat needed. I have setup the following minimum aetup
10-23. Using and I have 0-9 set
10-36-02 Using a native number we all agreed on for the caller ID outbound user id.
When that didn't work I went back probably tried anything and everything u could imagine 10-29 and 10-28. Using various combinations
When I do a wireshark, I don't even see the sip call aetup.
If I outty into the pbx, I don't anything setup in there either - just error id 9 and cause 4.. when trying the call.
Something is just right.
We r using default IP addresses in 8100. Gateway is their SBC on site. Pbx is no Nat needed. I have setup the following minimum aetup
10-23. Using and I have 0-9 set
10-36-02 Using a native number we all agreed on for the caller ID outbound user id.
When that didn't work I went back probably tried anything and everything u could imagine 10-29 and 10-28. Using various combinations
When I do a wireshark, I don't even see the sip call aetup.
If I outty into the pbx, I don't anything setup in there either - just error id 9 and cause 4.. when trying the call.
Something is just right.