I wonder about something in the 70-297 AD-design exam. The exam is case-based and when the allocated time for one case is finished, you can´t answer any more questions related to that particular case ... and any time left won´t be following to the next case.
So ... then it is crucial to have answered all the questions related to a particular case before the time is gone.
I guess this mean that I have one timer-countdown for the entire exam ... and one timer-countdown that counts down the time for the case I am doing at the moment? At least I need a case-timer-countdown to see how much time I have left for that particular case? Can anyone confirm this detail? If not ... will I need to calculate how much time I have left from the general timer-countdown ...?
So ... then it is crucial to have answered all the questions related to a particular case before the time is gone.
I guess this mean that I have one timer-countdown for the entire exam ... and one timer-countdown that counts down the time for the case I am doing at the moment? At least I need a case-timer-countdown to see how much time I have left for that particular case? Can anyone confirm this detail? If not ... will I need to calculate how much time I have left from the general timer-countdown ...?