I want to know where can I find the right/free materials for taking this exam? I failed it after I spent huge amounts of money buying WRONG books/websites. I want to spend no money or little money to pass this exam, can anyone help?
Practise, practise and more practise. Know your way around SQL Server Enterprise manager, general relational database theory/normalisation (not essential but very useful), how SQL Server interacts with Windows security, how to apply security within SQL Server (rights, server and database roles), how to back up, restore and recover from a backup with multiple transaction logs, how to configure and troubleshoot replication etc.
If the books you have got cover the official Microsoft curriculum, then its simply a matter of getting to know its content better. Search for SQL Admin or 70-228 within this forum to look for other people's ideas/opinions.
Personally, I took it last december and don't think I'd pass it again if I took it tomorrow because there's a lot in there that I haven't used.
Congr both of you passed the exam. I think it is tough, and I understand 'practice' is the key point, but do you guys have any study guides or something recommends?
The best way to pass the 228 is to work with SQL Server on a regular basic. The MS Press book covers most of the subjects that will be on the test.
In addition to the things jrbarnett covered you'll also need to know all about profiler, tracing, execution plans, SQL Syntax, index usage, and RAID configs (my faq in the SQL Admin forum will probably help for this part).
SQL Server is very complex and is always changing thanks to a steady stream of service packs and patches.
BTW when I took it I did get a couple of quesitons on Normalization.
MCSA (2003) / MCDBA (SQL 2000)
--Anything is possible. All it takes is a little research. (Me)
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