A user's account keeps getting locked out every couple of minutes, and I'm seeing 675 errors on the domain controller with the IP address of this user's computer - so I know where the failures are happening. This user's machine is running Windows 7.
I have not been able to identify what is causing it. I have unlocked the account and had the user change the password immediately (was able to change the password), but that didn't work (the thought was to have the user change it and sync it everywhere on their system so this problem wouldn't be happening).
I have enabled alockout.dll and restarted in an effort to identify what is causing this problem. The funny thing is - with alockout enabled - the problem isn't happening, so no log file is getting created.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can do further?
I have not been able to identify what is causing it. I have unlocked the account and had the user change the password immediately (was able to change the password), but that didn't work (the thought was to have the user change it and sync it everywhere on their system so this problem wouldn't be happening).
I have enabled alockout.dll and restarted in an effort to identify what is causing this problem. The funny thing is - with alockout enabled - the problem isn't happening, so no log file is getting created.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can do further?