Hello everyone, hope all is well. I took the new 640-901 Routing exam about 3 weeks ago and failed by 3 points I didn't do too bad on certain points but the only thing I can think of is the simulation which I thought I had right on the money, if anyone has taken this exam and knows of the simulation can you please give me some insight for those of you who haven't the simulation asks you to configure ospf on a router and it tells you the process number is 1 and I think the tricky part of the question is that they give you network numbers and they tell you to configure ospf with the network numbers but because of future use to not use too much of the address and be specific (that's how I remember it anyways, sorry so hazy) but with that said I configured the router with the following: it gives the area number as well and there are 3 network numbers given
router ospf 1
network x.x.x.x area 1
network x.x.x.x area 1
network x.x.x.x area 1
I used the for the wildcard mask to be exact since in the question it was stating that it was trying to preserve space (or something to that effect), if anyone has seen this simulation on the exam please help me out with the explanation of the question, because I know it's kind of hazy but any help would be greatly appreciated.
router ospf 1
network x.x.x.x area 1
network x.x.x.x area 1
network x.x.x.x area 1
I used the for the wildcard mask to be exact since in the question it was stating that it was trying to preserve space (or something to that effect), if anyone has seen this simulation on the exam please help me out with the explanation of the question, because I know it's kind of hazy but any help would be greatly appreciated.