Technical User
I had used WS_ftp before and don't recall having this error, which I'm receiving. I'm sending files for my web site to AOL's ftp site.
I have the settings working to get to the ftp site and in getting set to upload files, but when I try to upload any files up to the ftp site I get a "550" Incoming files are only guest writable" I do not know what this means? I have signed on both with anonymous and password enabled accounts and I still get the same screen. There are times when AOL is down or working strangely and I get errors of different kinds but I don't know if this could be the issue? Sometimes I can upload, sometimes I can't. Using AOl's ftp directly, the files have to be uploaded one by one and is very tedious to implement.
If anyone would know what might be amiss or if I may be missing something, that would be super.
Thanks for all your time.
I have the settings working to get to the ftp site and in getting set to upload files, but when I try to upload any files up to the ftp site I get a "550" Incoming files are only guest writable" I do not know what this means? I have signed on both with anonymous and password enabled accounts and I still get the same screen. There are times when AOL is down or working strangely and I get errors of different kinds but I don't know if this could be the issue? Sometimes I can upload, sometimes I can't. Using AOl's ftp directly, the files have to be uploaded one by one and is very tedious to implement.
If anyone would know what might be amiss or if I may be missing something, that would be super.
Thanks for all your time.