We have 40 5360 phones in our environment and a custom screensaver which contains:
a black background
a white logo
a clock
a calendar
So pretty basic (wehave had a lot of plans for these phones).
My phone (and no others) has just started showing this:
I have been advised by our support company that the solution for this is:
Turn off your screen saver
Which I liken to the solution for having a problem with cruise control in your car to:
Not use it
Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening, and why only me, and how I can stop it?
Many thanks,
a black background
a white logo
a clock
a calendar
So pretty basic (we
My phone (and no others) has just started showing this:

I have been advised by our support company that the solution for this is:
Turn off your screen saver
Which I liken to the solution for having a problem with cruise control in your car to:
Not use it
Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening, and why only me, and how I can stop it?
Many thanks,