It could be a lot of different things but the one that pops to the top of my head is that if the file being requested by apache is in a directory that it doesn't have permission for, it will return a 500 error whether or not the file exists. You might try changing ownership or permissions. You should also read your error_log to see if it gives more details of the error.
(Change ownership recursively from named directory)
If you just do 'apache' instead of apache.apache' it only changes the owner - not the group. To change the group separately use 'chgrp' with similar syntax.
To change permissions (vs owner /group) you use 'chmod' . This can be using an octal mask of explicit permission flags. For example :
chmod 755 abc.cgi
that sets the mask as 7 (owner) 5 (group) 5 (others). The values correspond to rwx where r=4 w=2 x=1 so 7 = rwx and 5 = rx .
The other way is like this :
chmod o+x abc.cgi
(add 'x' (execution) permission for others)
See 'man chmod' 'man chown' 'man chgrp'
Also, if you execute the stat command against a file you will see the permissions shown both ways :
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