I have this AIX server model "7017-S7A" running AIX 4.3.10. It crashed this morning with the error code "4B00F002" on the LED display.
I found an article on IBM's site stating that this is a TCP/IP problem and suggested a fix. However, the fix is for SNA.rte which is not loaded on this server.
The error log didn't any error when the server went down.
Any idead on this problem?
The IBM article is:
I have this AIX server model "7017-S7A" running AIX 4.3.10. It crashed this morning with the error code "4B00F002" on the LED display.
I found an article on IBM's site stating that this is a TCP/IP problem and suggested a fix. However, the fix is for SNA.rte which is not loaded on this server.
The error log didn't any error when the server went down.
Any idead on this problem?
The IBM article is: