We have a few 3com 4200G switches that are daisy chained (which I know is the incorrect way to connect them) together. The FAULT LED has been on, on 3 of them for a while, even after a reboot.
Looking through the GUI, I can't seem to find anything that indicates a problem. Of course, the manuals disappeared.
While I continue to search for info, I wonder if someone might be able to offer some advice about how to figure out what's wrong. I wonder if this might be related to how they are connected (believe me, I've been vying for the media connections in the back), or maybe indicative of something else.
These LEDs have been on for a long time and we've not noticed any other problems.
Looking through the GUI, I can't seem to find anything that indicates a problem. Of course, the manuals disappeared.
While I continue to search for info, I wonder if someone might be able to offer some advice about how to figure out what's wrong. I wonder if this might be related to how they are connected (believe me, I've been vying for the media connections in the back), or maybe indicative of something else.
These LEDs have been on for a long time and we've not noticed any other problems.