I have a LJ 4050 that was working fine on a small network. It was connected to one CPU and shared out to the network. All of a sudden there were printing errors. You could not print from the network or the computer it was connected to. I reloaded drivers and finally got it to work. Until I rebootede then printer errors again.
I switched CPUs and no problem with it being connected to any other CPU on the network. It prints perfectl7y from the network as well as from the CPU it is connected to. In fact if it is connected to another cpu, you can print without any trouble from the "broken" cpu over the network.
So it cannot be the printer, the cable, the network or the driver. DO you think it is the LPT1 port (LPT1 is built on the motherboard)??? Without having another LPT1 card availabe, is there any way to check this out?
I switched CPUs and no problem with it being connected to any other CPU on the network. It prints perfectl7y from the network as well as from the CPU it is connected to. In fact if it is connected to another cpu, you can print without any trouble from the "broken" cpu over the network.
So it cannot be the printer, the cable, the network or the driver. DO you think it is the LPT1 port (LPT1 is built on the motherboard)??? Without having another LPT1 card availabe, is there any way to check this out?