I am running Apache 2 on WinXP. I want to show the contents of a directory within the htdoc root ( I did not include an index.html file so that all files would display as a list. Unfortunately, I am getting a 403 error: You don't have permission to access /somedirectory/ on this server.
Previous Apache distributions seemed to default to showing these contents.
I scanned the httpd.conf file but could not find where it allowed or prevented directory browsing.
Can someone give me a clue where to tweak this to allow directory browsing?
- - picklefish - -
Previous Apache distributions seemed to default to showing these contents.
I scanned the httpd.conf file but could not find where it allowed or prevented directory browsing.
Can someone give me a clue where to tweak this to allow directory browsing?
- - picklefish - -