Whe have programmed two appearances of a DID per handset. When we set DND on busy, if you are on the handset, you get a busy at the other end. We want it to appear, and not ring. Any ideas.
I go to
services->telephony services->system DNs->active set DNs->
DN 258->line access->line assignement->line 255
and it is setup for "appearances 2". I can't program each appearance individually (at least this way).
When you set an extention up for DND on busy, it will enable DND while the user is on the set. The second call should still go through to the set, although the set will not ring.
Ensure that the extention has at least 2 intercoms to allow a path for the 2nd call.
When you program the DID to have 2 appearances on the set, you will tell the system whether you want it to "appear & ring", "appear only" or "ring only". This setting will affect both appearances. If the user is on the DID, and someone else calls the same DID, it will produce a busy signal (just like a single dedicated analog line without call waiting).
There are only 2 seasons in Canada, Golf and Snowmobile season.
Thanks for the response. What would happen if I only had one DID appearance and I'm on it with DND on Busy set? Will a second call to the DID appear on the I/C button (assuming that I have 2 I/Cs programmed to appear)?
I guess another option would be to have the carried put a CFB on the DID number to roll into the receptionists console who could then forward the call on the I/C which would cause it to appear only. Then if they don't answer it CFNAs to VM.
....going around my butt to get to my elbow but it would give them what they want.
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