I'm just going to say it Salesman. This is a 4 letter word. Ours so happens to think it would not be difficult to restore a Mitel system to factory defaults wiping all programming and voice mail without damaging the system. With these salesmen there, of course, is never any mention of model, just the make. A phone system is a phone system, of course, right? They all just do the same thing. I wave my magic wand and it does whatever they want.
As mentioned above, I have no other information than this system is a Mitel. A small to medium size system in a bank. Can anyone give me any details such as what model of Mitel this could be and how one would perform the requested task?
As mentioned above, I have no other information than this system is a Mitel. A small to medium size system in a bank. Can anyone give me any details such as what model of Mitel this could be and how one would perform the requested task?