I look after a small site of some 40 3com switches. They are spread over some 10 sites the larger being a stack of 19 connected via 2 * 2 gig trunks from the LAN to 2 3900's. The switches are in 2 stacks connected via crossovers, 3 switches connected from 1 3900 at 200mb, with the remainder at 100meg from the same 3900.
The problem is users compalin of slowdowns. Some bright spark has suggested that rebooting the switches resolves the problem, which it does, and blames the switches. - Memory Leaks. Personall I believe it is bandwidth issue which turning off the switch resolves because the traffic what ever it is is stopped and life then returns to normal.
Anyone any ideas
The problem is users compalin of slowdowns. Some bright spark has suggested that rebooting the switches resolves the problem, which it does, and blames the switches. - Memory Leaks. Personall I believe it is bandwidth issue which turning off the switch resolves because the traffic what ever it is is stopped and life then returns to normal.
Anyone any ideas