ich have an Zyxel DSL Router and the first lan Port is connect to 3com SuperstackII 3300 with default Setting. (only the IP, Subnet an default Gateway is configured, default Gateway is the Zyxel Router.
A Client, who is connect to the Superstack can Ping the default gateway, but he can`t connect to Internet, an traceroute to default Gateway fails too.
When the Client ist connect direct on Zyxels Lan Port, Internet is working !
please help me, i thing the Config from Superstack must be modified
verry thanks
ich have an Zyxel DSL Router and the first lan Port is connect to 3com SuperstackII 3300 with default Setting. (only the IP, Subnet an default Gateway is configured, default Gateway is the Zyxel Router.
A Client, who is connect to the Superstack can Ping the default gateway, but he can`t connect to Internet, an traceroute to default Gateway fails too.
When the Client ist connect direct on Zyxels Lan Port, Internet is working !
please help me, i thing the Config from Superstack must be modified
verry thanks