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3300 keeps rebooting

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Sep 20, 2006
I have a CX ii controller that is in constant reboot. I can see the sequence via serial port, results to follow. There haven't been any recent upgrades. I'm guessing there have been some power outages over the summer though (school building-closed for summer). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

VxWorks System Boot

Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc.

CPU: Mitel Embedded PPC83XX F100
Version: VxWorks5.5.2
BSP version: 3.1/15
Creation date: Oct 20 2014, 15:43:02

Press <SPACE><SPACE><SPACE> to stop auto-boot AFTER countdown starts...

boot device : ata=0
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
file name : /partition4/RTC8260
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : ftp
ftp password (pw) : ftp
flags (f) : 0x0
target name (tn) : Bryant
other (o) : qefcc

Disk Configuration Started.
Creating block device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating CBIO device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
0KB added to /partition1 partition
free disk space after partition 0 is 0KB
0KB added to /partition2 partition
free disk space after partition 1 is 0KB
0KB added to /partition3 partition
free disk space after partition 2 is 0KB
0KB added to /partition4 partition
free disk space after partition 3 is 0KB
Attaching to partition table for 4 partitions on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 0 (/partition1) on controller 0 drive 0... do ne.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 1 (/partition2) on controller 0 drive 0... do ne.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 2 (/partition3) on controller 0 drive 0... do ne.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 3 (/partition4) on controller 0 drive 0... do ne.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 0 (/partition1) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 1 (/partition2) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 2 (/partition3) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 3 (/partition4) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Disk Configuration Complete.
Loading /partition4/RTC8260...70542912
Starting at 0x10000...

ataGetDiskSize(0,0) = 7055MB
using partitioning scheme for drives w/ 20G or less

Disk Configuration Started.
Creating block device for controller 0 drive 0... -> done.
Creating CBIO device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
0KB added to /inactive/sysro partition
free disk space after partition 0 is 0KB
0KB added to /inactive/db partition
free disk space after partition 1 is 0KB
0KB added to /vmail partition
free disk space after partition 2 is 0KB
0KB added to /sysro partition
free disk space after partition 3 is 0KB
0KB added to /db partition
free disk space after partition 4 is 0KB
Attaching to partition table for 5 partitions on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 0 (/inactive/sysro) on controller 0 drive 0.. . done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 1 (/inactive/db) on controller 0 drive 0... d one.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 2 (/vmail) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 3 (/sysro) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 4 (/db) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 0 (/inactive/sysro) on controller 0 drive 0 ... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 1 (/inactive/db) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 2 (/vmail) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 3 (/sysro) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 4 (/db) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Disk Configuration Complete.
/vmail: file system is marked clean, skipping check

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x1d097a50
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0x1d4e35e8
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR |DOS_CHK_VERB_1
volume write mode: copyback (CBIO_WRITE)
max # of simultaneously open files: 602
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: /vmail ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x2190000
- total number of sectors: 7,513,884
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 8
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 7,338
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 14,708
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- file name format: 8-bit (extended-ASCII)
- root dir start cluster: 2

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 94 clusters
- free space on volume: 3,374,813,184 bytes
/db: file system is marked clean, skipping check

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x1d08bca8
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0x1d0c34c8
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR |DOS_CHK_VERB_1
volume write mode: copyback (CBIO_WRITE)
max # of simultaneously open files: 602
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: /db ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x2a40000
- total number of sectors: 1,733,886
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 32
- # of reserved sectors: 1
- FAT entry size: FAT16
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 212
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 457
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- file name format: 8-bit (extended-ASCII)
- root dir start sector: 425
- # of sectors per root: 32
- max # of entries in root: 512

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 6 clusters
- free space on volume: 645,496,832 bytes
/sysro/ - disk check in progress ...
dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to THU AUG 11 11:04:58 2016
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0x1d08c6d0
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:00:06 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990
/sysro/ - Volume is OK

total # of clusters: 54,173
# of free clusters: 13,814
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 221,024 Kb
max contiguous free space: 144,490,496 bytes
# of files: 12,008
# of folders: 614
total bytes in files: 490,092 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x1d08c6d0
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0x1d0e3558
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR |DOS_CHK_VERB_1
volume write mode: copyback (CBIO_WRITE)
max # of simultaneously open files: 602
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: /sysro ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x2730000
- total number of sectors: 1,733,949
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 32
- # of reserved sectors: 1
- FAT entry size: FAT16
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 212
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 63
- first cluster is in sector # 457
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- file name format: 8-bit (extended-ASCII)
- root dir start sector: 425
- # of sectors per root: 32
- max # of entries in root: 512

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 6 clusters
- free space on volume: 226,328,576 bytes
0x1f7ffe00 (tRootTask): Warning: Task name tRootTask changed directory (cd) to / sysro

Last reset cause was (0x13) CHECK_STOP_RESET

There is no host relink.
There is no relink on the disk.
relink_call_ctors start
relink_call_ctors done

will run the startup scripts in the following order:

Executing s10startup script
11:05 up 0 days, 0:00:17

resetLog (version 2) enabled @ 0x1F800000
...Creating appStartup.log
Starting MnTftpServer
Directory: /sysro/tftp
Max Worker Threads: 100 Worker Thread timeout: 120

appStartup complete
11:08 up 0 days, 0:00:18
MnTftpSetMaxSessions 10
MnTftpSetPriority 192
MnTftpEnableStallDetection 0
MnTftpSetTimeoutParams 0,0,3000
MnTftpSetMaxReadLoop 5
MnTftpSetConsoleLogs 0
File Memory Cache is: Off, Cache Expiry: 10 Seconds
Max File Handles: 40 Max File Size: 15728640 bytes

MnTftp complete
11:08 up 0 days, 0:00:18
deleting file /db/database/__db.001
/db: volume uses UTF-16 on disk, but Unicode is disabled
copying file /sysro/webs/web/uwi/Tree/TreeDefs.xml -> /sysro/webs/web/uwi/Tree/c urTreeDefs.xml
copying file /sysro/webs/web/uwi/Tree/UIDefs.xml -> /sysro/webs/web/uwi/Tree/cur UIDefs.xml

Reboot - Don't delete chksmdta.db (Checksum Database File)

/inactive/sysro/ - disk check in progress ...
/inactive/sysro/ - Volume is OK

total # of clusters: 54,173
# of free clusters: 16,660
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 266,560 Kb
max contiguous free space: 162,627,584 bytes
# of files: 11,562
# of folders: 588
total bytes in files: 449,784 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0

Management Layer AVS SUCCESSFULLY started.

11:08 up 0 days, 0:01:03
Loading JavaLayer_link.out .............Loaded
PERC_CLASSPATH=/sysro/webs/Perc5/lib:/sysro/webs/Perc5/lib/ojdk.jar:/sysro/webs/ Perc5/lib/ojdkswing.jar:/sysro/webs/Perc5/lib/perclib.jar:/sysro/webs/Perc5/lib/ perctool.jar:/sysro/webs/Perc5/lib/gcp.jar:/sysro/webs/common/lib:/sysro/webs/co mmon/lib/JavaLayerWrapper.jar:/sysro/webs/Perc5/lib/jdtcore.jar
-Djavax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory: path.XPathFactoryImpl
-Dcom.mitel.missl4j.SocketImplFactory=com.mitel.esmgmt.core.JavaLayerSocketImplF actory
Done JLC.InitializeJNIAdapter

Java Layer SUCCESSFULLY started.

11:09 up 0 days, 0:01:35

ChubSp SUCCESSFULLY started.

11:09 up 0 days, 0:01:35
ResourceAlarmStartup ready.
appStartupPart2 done
11:09 up 0 days, 0:01:35
IPN Database done
11:09 up 0 days, 0:01:36
## CC memory LOS key: PPC_EMULATOR_SPACE_700_30= ##
## CC memory size : 0x2781ee0(41426656) ##
S-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Re cord data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record dat a errorS-Record data errorS-Record checksum errorS-Record data errorS-Record che cksum errorS-Record checksum errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record dat a errorS-Record data errorS-Record memory error - attempt to write beyond limitS -Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record checksum errorS -Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record checksum errorS-Record data errorS -Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record data errorS-Record checksum errorS -Record data error
Starting 68k Emulator 0.

MITEL SYSTEM ROM R3.1/15 Oct 20 2014

CCA Number : 56009216 RC.2
System Model : 00610001 F100
CPU Model : 8360 R80480021
Reset Config Low : 08030008
Reset Config High : b4500006
Coherent System Bus Clock (MHz) : 266
CPM Clock (MHz) : 266
Core Clock (MHz) : 399
DDR Clock (MHz) : 133
Local Bus Clock (MHz) : 66
Input Clock (MHz) : 33
Internal Memory Map : f0000000
Main Memory (MB) : 512
Local Memory (MB) : 0
Flash Memory (MB) : 2
MAC Address : 08000f624992
L2 Switch : 0
POST Bypass : 0
Watchdog Bypass : 0
Slot Id : 0

Starting POST...

SDRAM CS1 Data Bit Walk 1................... PASSED
SDRAM CS1 Data Bit Walk 0................... PASSED
SDRAM CS1 Address Walk 1................... PASSED
SDRAM CS1 Address Walk 0................... PASSED

Starting vxWorks...

Reset Cause : 0x13 - CHECK_STOP_RESET
I'm not 100% sure what the "S-record data error" means but my hunch is the disk is corrupted.
|Looks like the disk may be fubar. Try and reinstall of software. hope you have a recent backup.....
This is the reset cause:

Last reset cause was (0x13) CHECK_STOP_RESET

Never seen that cause before.
I would take the cover off and inspect the solder connections on the motherboard

Look for all or most of them being corroded black

If so, replace chassis, harddrive is lkely ok

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Soldier connections appeared to be good. I was able to get it to boot partition1. I'm going to make sure my backup is good then replace the hard drive before it happens again. I have never replaced HD before. Any tips?
With a good backup and doing a Boot_Install, you should be good to go. Make sure your ip address is set proper and there is some dns to get to the amc, license, restore then your good IMHO.
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