Here is my current configuration. I have one D-Link 614+ Router (main) that is connected to the internet via a cable modem. The 4 ports are being used by 3 computer and one port to the repeater router. The repeater router is a linksys wmp54g set with dhcp off as found in many threads on this site. This router is used just for the two xbox's in my apt. My neigbor down the hall has also has a D-link 614+ router connected to a cable modem as well. This is what i would like: i want to be able to see his computers on his next work and vice versa via the wireless network, as running a cable down the hall is impossible. Unlike the other posts i've read with similar conditions I do not want to share an internet connection with him. His computers on his network share his cable modem and my roomates and I still use ours. We just want to be able to see each others shared folders in windows xp. Is this possible? if so how do i achieve this. Also is there any 3rd party firmware for the d-link router like the wmp54g that boost signal. Thanks.