WAP1 = Hardwired to switch, AP mode = normal AP, broadcasting SSID1
WAP2 = Hardwired to WET54GS5, AP mode = normal AP, broadcasting SSID2
WAP3 = wirelessly repeating WAP2
We have had no luck with connectivity with this ( or any other ) setup. Our topographical options are limited as we do not own this building. The sitution is: 2 buildings, internet access in one. Trying to bridge the connection between the two buildings is the real challenge. Any help?
WAP2 = Hardwired to WET54GS5, AP mode = normal AP, broadcasting SSID2
WAP3 = wirelessly repeating WAP2
We have had no luck with connectivity with this ( or any other ) setup. Our topographical options are limited as we do not own this building. The sitution is: 2 buildings, internet access in one. Trying to bridge the connection between the two buildings is the real challenge. Any help?