I work for a state agency that relies on another state agency for our network infrastructure. We currently do not have anyone with experience in advanced network connectivity, so we have to contract this responsibility out.
We currently have 3 T1's connected to a router. The people we contract out to insist that the 3 T1's are load-balanced, though, I highly suspect they are not. I believe they work in a way that if one T1 gets saturated, any additional connections are routed to the next T1, and so forth.
My question is, assuming that there is no network chatter going on, what would one expect to get for total bandwidth? I'm downloading large files from a website where at home (cable broadband, 3Mb) I can get around 250k/sec, but at work, I never see anything more than 130k/sec. I have another theory that the router on the other end can't handle the traffic of 3 T1's. Alot of unknowns, but I don't believe we are getting what we pay for. Anyone have any suggestions of what I could do to test this out?
We currently have 3 T1's connected to a router. The people we contract out to insist that the 3 T1's are load-balanced, though, I highly suspect they are not. I believe they work in a way that if one T1 gets saturated, any additional connections are routed to the next T1, and so forth.
My question is, assuming that there is no network chatter going on, what would one expect to get for total bandwidth? I'm downloading large files from a website where at home (cable broadband, 3Mb) I can get around 250k/sec, but at work, I never see anything more than 130k/sec. I have another theory that the router on the other end can't handle the traffic of 3 T1's. Alot of unknowns, but I don't believe we are getting what we pay for. Anyone have any suggestions of what I could do to test this out?