I have a program that reads policy coverages. I would like to store the coverage amount, coverage percentage and the coverage plan (cvg-amt, cvg-%,cvg-plan);
( PIC S9(07)V99, PIC S9(07)V99, PIC X(06) )
For this a 3-dimensionnal table would be appropriate.
01 Table
05 Table-Amount occurs 20 times
10 Table% occurs 20 times
20 Table-Plan occurs 14 times.
how do I specifies the pics ?
I don't know how to make my moves.
perform varying K 1 by 1
until K > nb-of-coverages
move cvg-amt (k) to Table (?,?,?)
move cvg-percent (k) to Table (?,?,?)
if cvg-plan='AA'
move cvg-plan(k) to Table (?,?,1)
if cvg-plan='AB'
move cvg-plan(k) to Table (?,?,2)
……….etc until Table (?,?,14)
end perform.
i would like to have
Table(amount2,percent2,plan2)... for each coverage read
the number of coverages varies from one policy to the next, and a coverage has only one plan.
Thanks a lot
I have a program that reads policy coverages. I would like to store the coverage amount, coverage percentage and the coverage plan (cvg-amt, cvg-%,cvg-plan);
( PIC S9(07)V99, PIC S9(07)V99, PIC X(06) )
For this a 3-dimensionnal table would be appropriate.
01 Table
05 Table-Amount occurs 20 times
10 Table% occurs 20 times
20 Table-Plan occurs 14 times.
how do I specifies the pics ?
I don't know how to make my moves.
perform varying K 1 by 1
until K > nb-of-coverages
move cvg-amt (k) to Table (?,?,?)
move cvg-percent (k) to Table (?,?,?)
if cvg-plan='AA'
move cvg-plan(k) to Table (?,?,1)
if cvg-plan='AB'
move cvg-plan(k) to Table (?,?,2)
……….etc until Table (?,?,14)
end perform.
i would like to have
Table(amount2,percent2,plan2)... for each coverage read
the number of coverages varies from one policy to the next, and a coverage has only one plan.
Thanks a lot