I recently booted up my computer and found that it was a bit sluggish. I gave it some time to boot up and when it finally booted up I wanted to give it a nice shut down and let it reboot again. When I rebooted again, it took me to the automatic scan disk. I let it continue and waited until it was finished. It returned me to the XP Desktop and everything seemed to look fine, but to my surprise my second hard drive wasn't showing up. I have two hards, a primary and a slave. My primary hard drive was there but when I clicked on My computer to see my 2nd drive it wasn't there. The icon was there but all my data was not there. I had a problem last month about this hard drive also. Once again, my computer was acting a little sluggish and when I clicked on my 2nd drive, it said it was not properly formatted. That drive was full of data, so I couldn't really recover it and just clicked format. IT was running for a few weeks until now. There's nothing in the hard drive. Is this a bad hard drive?