2nd hard drive to Win98
I am very new to this so bear with me.
I want to add a 40G H/D to an existing PC as a second H/D.
The 40 has come out of a PC that ran XP as the OS. I want to connect it as
slave or Master(??) to Win98SE.
Is this viable?
I wish solely to do this in order to retrieve data from the 40.
I am not sure how to tell whether its SCSI or what.
The key is that the H/D to be added has data THAT MUST NOT BE LOST (it came
from a PC that burnt its capacitors - or so I am told by the repair man).
Can any one help me through the steps required to ensure that no data is los
t as I add it as a slave drive?
Any help greatly appreciated.
The drive to be added is a Maxtor model 5T040H4.
I am very new to this so bear with me.
I want to add a 40G H/D to an existing PC as a second H/D.
The 40 has come out of a PC that ran XP as the OS. I want to connect it as
slave or Master(??) to Win98SE.
Is this viable?
I wish solely to do this in order to retrieve data from the 40.
I am not sure how to tell whether its SCSI or what.
The key is that the H/D to be added has data THAT MUST NOT BE LOST (it came
from a PC that burnt its capacitors - or so I am told by the repair man).
Can any one help me through the steps required to ensure that no data is los
t as I add it as a slave drive?
Any help greatly appreciated.
The drive to be added is a Maxtor model 5T040H4.