Can you please be a little more specific? To begin with, is this a redundant (dual processors, dual disk drives) or a non-redundant system and what software release is the system running?
Also, what alarms are present when this anomaly occurs?
Are you able to force the system to synch-up and it later loses clock synch?
Are you familiar with the netsync state (ne st) and netsync setsource (ne se) commands?
It is an sx2000 redundant with 1 perf node and 1DSU node with 1 DS1 formatter card when I log in the system gives this message "could not verify password expiration due to a clock malfunction" the system also will not let me cleat the DT stats "DT stats failed" is the message returned. The only alarm present is a digital link.
Digital Link alarms are often nuisance alarms that won't always clear on their own. However, in this case it is more likely indicative or symptomatic of the PRI accumulating clock slips.
You didn't say what version of software the SX2K is running????
Also do you know that the machine is performing a daily activity transfer? - If not, that's a whole other issue in itself. Stop here and get that fixed before proceeding.
Shooting a little in the dark here, but if the machine is performing a regular scheduled activity transfer (do not proceed unless it is) the next thing I would try would be to start by placing an activity freeze on the machine, then popping out and re-seating THE INACTIVE Main control card, then wait for it (15 minutes minimum) to reload and settle down before proceeding with the next step. Don't get in a hurry.. voice of experience here, wait 15 minutes.
The next step would be to release the activity freeze and from the keyboard force an activity transfer to the other plane. Again then wait for the dust to settle. (15 minutes minimum) then place an activity freeze on again and pop out & reseat THE INACTIVE main control card, which this time should be the other main controller. DO NOT pull out a main controller that has a green light on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitelinmyblood some times it is the simplest of things, for some reason the system time was xxxx xx xx after entering the time all was good. I was pressed for time when on this one and most likely forgot to check it. However, the time and date on the display sets was correct.
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