How do I create a 2-dimensional runtime array in C? I know how many "columns" it has and that is 3 but the number of rows is determined at runtime. How do I properly allocate the room for that?
char* y="hello";
char*** x;
int i,j;
x[j]=y; John Fill
But in future you probably will want to use this code in C++.
For example we are use both code in our programm C and C++ and sometime you need to call C++ from C so you just compile it as C++. In this case (void*) will not be cast by default to (int(*)[3]) at least in gcc, you will have a compilation error. So it is never hurt to use a cast.
Of cause you can skip this cast for your homework.
Also this type int(*)[3] can help you to pass this array as an argument in some function
int func(int(*)[3] in_paiArray)
I have spent some time to find the right type for this argument.
But second advice about using paiArray to get it size is very wise
That's a good point and this is an important difference between C and C++. C++, indeed, doesn't allow such conversions to occur implicitly so the cast is required if you were using Lim's example in C++ code.
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