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2d arrays

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Feb 18, 2004
can you store info from a user in a 2d array and then add two numbers together.
Could you please elabourate? I read your question and it almost sounds like you mean a 2 element 1 dimensional array...

and that would be...

dim nums(1 to 2)

for a = 1 to 2 ' this is unnessesary
input nums(a)
next a
result = 0
for a = 1 to 2 ' this is really unnessesary. It's embarassing.
result = result + nums(a)
next a

print "the result is ";result

a 2d array would be like DIM array(5,5) - do you mean adding two of those together like matrix addition?

[4,4] + [1,0] = [4,4]
[5,3] [0,1] [5,3]

if a line is unnessasary then why write it, you FOR-NEXT loop is actually more code and slower than just doing
result = result + nums(a)
result = result + nums(b)
qbasicking is right. but i need to no how to add a 2d array like this

dim n(3,3)

x = n(3+3)
' i no this is wrong but its the only to describe it

and id also like to no how to display just one of the two
arrays like:

dim n(4,2)

print n(3, ) ' just show the first one

Is this what you mean?

DIM Test(1, 2)

Test(1, 1) = 5
Test(1, 2) = 15
Test(1, 0) = Test(1, 2) + Test(1, 1)
FOR Cycle = 2 TO 0 STEP -1
     PRINT "Test (1," + STR$(Cycle) + ") = ",
     PRINT Test(1, Cycle)
NEXT Cycle
print "----------------" : Print
sleep 4

Test(0, 1) = 3
Test(0, 2) = 4
FOR Cycle = 1 TO 2
     PRINT "Test (0," + STR$(Cycle) + ") = ",
     PRINT Test(0, Cycle)
NEXT Cycle
Test(0, 0) = Test(0, 2) + Test(0, 1)
PRINT Test(0, 0)
print "----------------" : Print
sleep 4

print "combined total of Temp(0,0) + Temp(1,0);"
print Test(0,0) + Test(1,0)

Is this what you are talking about?
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