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2620XM to home internet

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Mar 10, 2009
I am building a CCNA lab with 2 - 2620XM routers and 2 - 3550 switches. I would like to connect one router to my home internet. Possibly take the cable line to my linksys cable modem, and from there connect to the 2620XM router to get access to the internet.

My question is, what model of card do I need to connect to my home internet?

I've been trying to do some research on this but I find that the Cisco NM-1E2W doesn't work with the 2620XM and the WIC-1ENET only works with the 1700 series routers.
I would just make a vlan in a 3550 for the cable modem, and another for the lab, and route between them in the 3550. Or you could do RoAS. Or you could get a WIC-1ADSL and get adsl. Or trade the 2620XM in for a 2621/2621XM. Or even get a cheapo 1720 with a WIC-1ENET. Many options, except for what you asked about...unless you get an NM-4T and bind the serials together going to another NM-4T for 6MBps through, and just PtP between the two 2620XM's. You can bind asynch serials with VPP/Virtual Access interfaces. If you need a tutorial, lemme know. I have successfully bound two WIC-1T's for 3MBps.

Thank you Bursbees for the reply!! You definitely gave me more options than I would have ever guessed. Not sure what RoAS is yet. I'm just about ready to take the ICND1 test. :p

Here was my thought on the test lab....
Internet.....ethernet card....Router1.....serial card/cable......Router2
And then each router have a switch, computers, etc.

I'll look into the 2621 and see what the difference is between that and the 2620s.

I saw online of a card called NM-1E and NM-4E. Looks like the -4E had 4 ports which would be overkill. I'll look more into the NM-1E and see if that would also be an option.

As for the tutorial on how you bound the two WIC-1T's, I would really appreciate it!! And thank you again for your reply and suggestions.
Difference between a 2620 and 2621 is that the 2621 has 2 FEs where the 2620 has only 1. This also applies to the XM models.

[the other] Bill
I currently have the following setup at my business:

Internet --> Verizon DSL Modem --> Cisco Sw => Workstations

I would like to do the following:

1. Use a Cisco 3550 for filter (via ACLs)

My question is, do I just plug the 3350 into the Cisco Sw and configure the eth0 with acls.

First, if you are setting up a lab and working towards Cisco Cert - vist the Cisco Cert forum here at Tek-Tips!!!!

You said - "I saw online of a card called NM-1E and NM-4E. Looks like the -4E had 4 ports which would be overkill. I'll look more into the NM-1E and see if that would also be an option."

Be carefull what you get, looks like the 2600's DO SUPPORT the NM-1E and NM-4E -

BUT, DO NOT SUPPORT NM-1E-2W or NM-2E-2W or the Fast Ethernet versions of these same Network Modules (that include 2 WIC slots)!!


This is Sniffer2112's post, if you have your own question, you should post it yourself and not piggyback on his post !!!!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
Hello Sniffer2112
If you don't want to invest any more money on your lab.You can make one of the 3550 ports into a layer 3 port towards the cable modem then you can configure NAT for Internet access.

Hello JRMS
If you need help please open a new thread.So people can you your request.

Thanks everyone for the posts. I do see that the NM-1E will support the 2600 series so I think I'll go for that and give it a shot.

Minue, I didn't know you could do that with a switch. I'll keep that in mind once I finish the CCNA. I am hoping to at least get the ICND1 finished this month.

I'll post back and let everyone know how the NM-1E goes.

Yes!Your 3550 is a Layer 3 switch, in other words a router in a switch.Real cool devices!



2 things - first is since you are working on your CCNA you should visit the Cisco Cert area here at Tech-Tips - lots of good discussions on labs, and the CCNA as well as other Cisco Certs.

Second, don't get too hung up on using one of the 2620XM to connect to the Internet. Once you get it setup "right" you won't want to screw it up to practice labs for CCNA :)

As part of my home setup, I have a 2651XM with a Cisco 831 and an old Linksys router as backup for my FIOS Internet connection. I also have several Cisco routers at home for "practice". I also have my own very extensive Cisco lab at work. I am putting together a lab for VoIP - CCNA Voice.....

I have taught CCNA's in a Cisco Network Academy since 1999, and I see this all the time, the students setup routers at home and then run the Internet connection through it and do 1 of 2 things, they don't EVER touch the router again because it is their Internet connection :) or they screw up the config to do a lab not thinking that now they can't get "online" for help etc. :-(

For CCNA you really want to practice between 3 routers, you could pick up a cheap 2501 with MAX 16 DRAM and 16 FLASH for less then $50 for your 3rd router and you will be all set.

Hope this helps!

E.A. Broda
CCNA, CCDA, CCAI, Network +
This was my first suggestion, just like Minue said also...

"I would just make a vlan in a 3550 for the cable modem, and another for the lab, and route between them in the 3550."

If you wanna see my 2620XM config with ADSL, lemme know.


Brustbees, If I could see your config with ADSL, that would be great. Anything to help me learn/understand the router/switch configurations is always welcome.

I'm just about done with the ICND1 part and should be taking the test by the end of the month, hopefully.

Minue, burstsbee, is there a website that explains the vlan in a 3550 switch for a cable modem? I understand that you can have multiple VLANs but to configure one to work with your cable modem, that's a bit over my head right now from what I have learned. I think in the ICND2 portion, they go further into the VLANs so that is why it's a bit foreign to me right now.

CiscoGuy33, thank you for the warning about connecting to the internet. I did acquire another router so I will do your suggestion to connect 3 routers as followed:

Internet .... WIC-NM-1E .... Router1 (w/Switch & computers).... Serial to ..... Router2 ..... Serial to....Router3 (w/Switch & comptuers).

This way I should be able to play with the routing tables and I'll do the internet connection as the last install (configuration).

I'll be sure to check out the Cisco Cert area too. I didn't know that was here so thanks for pointing that out!! :)

Thanks again everyone for posting your comments/suggestions. I really appreciate it and I hope this will help others who are looking to do the same thing.

And if I can post my little words of wisdom that I have learned the hard way when playing with the routers/switches..... deviceA#COPY RUN START !!!!!! :p
Working on VLAN's is the same 3550 as a layer 2 switch.So just browing for configuring vlans on cisco switches would all you need.

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