I have two consoles and I am wondering how the 11C choose which one to send a call to. Is is the ANUM, least busy or some other metric? Would the selection vary if the call is internal versus external?
That's a moving target based on the state the console is in:
If two console are manned and idle, a call will go to one of them. The next call will go to the other.
If two consoles are manned and busy, the call goes to the queue to wait for either console to become idle. The first one idle gets the call.
If two consoles are idle and one is presented a call, that console can "loop in" to any open loop key, and force the call to the other console. This is the most common method for a "Lazy Operator" to push calls to the other console.
~A console can never have more than one call ringing it at a time. Subsequent calls are in a "queue" waiting for any console. The call is either ringing at a console, active talking (or on Hold) to a console, or queued for any console.
~You can have a call on hold, then get another call. This is what is happening when they say "Thank you for calling, please hold" over and over. They are just clearing the queue to let callers know "someone is here, we're just busy"
~Idle: Console open and not in a Loop Key
~Busy: Console open and with an active Loop Key - call on it or not.
~Position Busy: Console not open/closed.
~Night: All Consoles closed
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