Was hoping to start a discussion regarding calculated members and embedded summaries...
Initially I found them very confusing and have still only scratched the surface of how I see them to be very useful in constructing bigger and better crosstab reports. So far I have found them very useful for conditional formatting of individual values in cells and for inserting percentages of certain cells that meet criteria.
Anyone care to share how or if they have found them useful and maybe some tips on usage?
Crystal Reports 2011 and XI
Intersystems Cache 2012 ODBC connection
Initially I found them very confusing and have still only scratched the surface of how I see them to be very useful in constructing bigger and better crosstab reports. So far I have found them very useful for conditional formatting of individual values in cells and for inserting percentages of certain cells that meet criteria.
Anyone care to share how or if they have found them useful and maybe some tips on usage?
Crystal Reports 2011 and XI
Intersystems Cache 2012 ODBC connection