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2003 server Vs. Web edition server

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Technical User
Nov 23, 2003
Could some one explain the difference betwen the two products ? What will be missing on the web edition and how much is it in U.K? I hope some one knows

Thanks for your help
Is that a joke? Oh, I love jokes! :)
I've got one for you: "Whats the difference between typing a 6 line post in Tek-Tips and browsing to the MS Windows Server 2003 Server home page and clicking the link? - A: Lazyness."

Only joking mate! :)

Hope it helps. If your after a price you could do what I did and use a seach engine or go to About 3/4 down the page there is an OEM version to buy for £270.52.

Good Luck,

Hi Steve
Ahhh, now let me see ......ahh umm......

Well yu see i was't even looking for this forum but came across it and thought well you know in the sprirt of one helping another , especially seeing how muct types in this field like helping,.........
A Short time before i came acroos this site i was told that rather then go the full 2003 route as a platform for a product i need to instlll , rather go down the web edition route..the ah um what ???????

It't it nice to hit a big city like London after 5 years in the bush , before there was a server 2000 or xp. So much to pick up , so many new operating systems, versions, and having to wade all through a monster site , when there are so many people who can so easily say hey go look here or there for all your answers.....i am sure there are some great sites out there that drill down stright to the biz without all the hyperbole i am sure to find at ANOTHER site...
dunno i could be wrong.......

And the OTHER thing . Price. Why go to this dealer or that or spend lots of time poking around to save that last 20 quid when some of you guys know exactly where to get the best price. Could just be me. But i thought this was a community......you know you scratch my back i'll scratch yours blah blah.....I suppose this WAS a light question when you guys are used to heavy meaty subjects , but we all start somewhere...right ....So i was hoping a nice person could give me the right direction without spending stupid amounts of time wading around , you know what i mean.......
Thanks for your help in those links anyway , a last resort if you will.

No problem mark.
I am glad my response, that clearly gives the answer you require, helped you out enough to thank me. Please forgive that in this free website of peer to peer help I add a hint that Microsoft may actually have a list of the differences between editions that could be found within a minute- I do hope that I haven't offended you as it would be a tragic loss to me personally if you leave the site because I give you a URL I found within 40 seconds on the net and make a sarcastic remark.

Please accecpt my appologies.

Good Luck with what ever you do,


P.S. On a serious note, Windows Server 2003 is for general Windows Domain netwoking for medium sized businesses. You can then go up the scale to Advanced for larger businesses or Datacentre for massive companies. Web edition is strictly Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6. Not much more really. It can't have AD and other main features but that's because its only to host websites. Previously on 2000 you have to spend nearly 1000 to get the O/S and IIS5. Now its £300. Seems like a good deal to me! Good Luck (No I really mean it!), and I honestly didn't want to offend you - but as a user of the site for a couple of years you can get annoyed when it looks like someone is too lazy to google it - when thats the way I got the answer!

Hi Steve,
gee i really should be working, but its nice to talk with you ......

Hey i know exactly what you mean about some really stupid questions in the face of expert people. I mean i do understand this is for full on users who as i said before deal with really meaty questions. I sure hope as i get into it i can get some help along the way. :) . I should have crafted my words a little better and described why i was asking you guys . So let me clearly define what i was looking for :
What i was hoping for was a guru on the subject , that is someone who knows the products inside out, could point me to a resource that deals with these products , but from a techie crowd type style and not all the stuff on a BIGGER site. I would really value being able to talk about it with fellow end users, i am sure you know what i mean. So i suppose in retrospect i should have done a little more digging around( alittle!- try any) but as i said i was here on the site chasing up another issue and being my first time here , i found all these wonderful forums and it was sunday evening at the office cramming , trying to find info i need for a meeting today and it was a question on the back of my mind and well lots of reasons really. Was hoping for a quick answer such as you have now given and get on with researching it. But i do understand that it was a bit lazy , you are right. SO thats my defence. Yep i agree in hindsight , stupid question. So now i feel better, i have humbled myself and felt stupid before you all,. I stumbled and made a gaff. Some good advice has come out of it. Dont waste the time of the hardcore untill you are sufficently wet behind the ears. So thats that. No biggie and no offense taken. What i said about being away for a long time means what it says. I was in a place without even a working telephone for 5 years , i am SO behind . Its all changed SO much.......

anyway i hope thats that.

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